15.10.2018, 10:00 – 16:30, Vienna International Centre, 5 Wagramer Straße, 1220 Vienna. Building C – Boardroom D, 4th floor

Food waste in Europe alone could feed approximately 200 million people per year, and the worldwide electronic waste generated in 2016 was enough to build almost 4,500 Eiffel towers. Are you ready to change your consumption habits?
Discover the work of UN organizations based in Vienna and of the Magistratsabteilung 48 (MA 48) in the field of Waste Management, and meet solutions makers from the Austrian private sector for responsible consumption and production (Sustainable Development Goal 12).

As a side event, green solution makers, mostly Zero Waste Austria Members, will present their products and services in the Rotunda of the Vienna International Centre.

Registrations are mandatory, seats are limited. Deadline: 7 october 2018.

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